Five ways to troubleshoot LED display | led pedestrain light

If the LED display fails, it will definitely cause trouble to the insiders. But trouble is to solve, but how to solve these problems? Today, let’s learn about 10 ways to troubleshoot LED displays.
1. The display screen does not work, and the green light of the sending card flashes (made into a retractable type)
   1. Failure reason:
  1) The screen has no power supply;
   2) The network cable is not connected well;
  3) The receiving card has no power supply or the power supply voltage is too low;
  4) The sending card is broken;
  5) The signal transmission intermediate device is connected or has a fault (such as: function card, optical fiber transceiver box);
   2. Troubleshooting method:
   1) Check that the power supply of the screen body is normal;
   2) Check and reconnect the network cable;
  3) Ensure that the DC output power supply of the power supply is within 5-5.2V;
  4) Replace the sending card;
  5) Check the connection or replace the function card (optical fiber transceiver box);
   2. The display does not work, and the green light of the sending card does not flash
   1. Failure reason:
   1) DVI or HDMI cable is not connected well;
   2) There is no setting for copy or extend mode in the graphics card control panel;
  3) The software has chosen to turn off the power of the large screen;
  4) The sending card is not inserted in place or there is a problem with the sending card;
   2. Troubleshooting method:
   1) Check the DVI cable connector;
   2) Reset the copy mode;
  3) The software chooses to turn on the power of the large screen;
  4) Reinsert the sending card or replace the sending card;
   3. It prompts "the big screen system is not found" when starting up
   1. Failure reason:
   1) The serial port or USB cable is not connected to the sending card;
   2) The computer COM or USB port is broken;
   3) The serial port or USB cable is broken;
  4) The sending card is broken;
  5) USB driver is not installed
   2. Troubleshooting method:
   1) Confirm and connect the serial port cable;
  2) Replace the computer;
  3) Replace the serial port line;
  4) Replace the sending card;
  5) Install the new version of the software or install the USB driver separately
  Four. The strips of the same height as the light board are not displayed or part of them are not displayed, lack of color
  1. Cause of failure:
  1) The flat ribbon cable or DVI cable (for submarine series) is not in contact or disconnected;
  2) At the junction, the former output or the latter input is faulty.
  2. Troubleshooting method:
  1) Replug or replace the cable;
  2) First determine which display module is faulty and then replace and repair it
   5. Some modules (3-6 blocks) are not displayed
  1. Cause of failure:
  1) Power protection or damage;
   2) The AC power cord is in poor contact
  2. Troubleshooting method:
  1) Check to confirm that the power supply is normal;
  2) Reconnect the power cord
led pedestrain light