How traffic lights work | high power traffic light

The traffic lights are equipped with induction control, and vehicle detectors are set on the entrances of intersections. The traffic signal timing scheme is calculated by a computer or an intelligent signal control machine. It is a control method that can be changed at any time with the traffic information detected by the detector.

The basic method of induction control is induction control at a single intersection, referred to as single-point control induction control. Single-point sensing control can be divided into semi-sensing control and full-sensing control depending on the setting of the detector.

Regarding the transportation system as an uncertain system, it can continuously measure its status, such as traffic flow, number of stops, delay time, queue length, etc., gradually understand and master the object, and use the difference to change the adjustable parameters of the system or produce a control .

Extended information:

At the beginning of the 19th century, in York City in central England, red and green outfits represented the different identities of women. Among them, the woman in red indicates that I am married, while the woman in green is unmarried.

Later, horse-drawn carriage accidents frequently occurred in front of the Houses of Parliament in London, England, so people were inspired by red and green outfits. On December 10, 1868, the first member of the signal light family was born on the square of the House of Parliament in London;

The lamppost designed and manufactured by De Hart, a British mechanic at the time, was 7 meters high, and hung a red and green lantern-a gas traffic signal light. This was the first signal light on a city street. At the foot of the lamp, a policeman holding a long pole pulled the belt to change the color of the lantern as he wanted.
high power traffic light