Where are the advantages of LED stadium lights | led stadium floodlight

LED lighting and control can improve TV broadcasting

Due to its particularity, the sports lighting system has special requirements for lighting. In the early days, we used incandescent lamps, and later "metal halide lamps", and then to today's brilliant LED sports lighting, which is played by TV broadcasting. important role!

From amateur games to the Premier League, LED enhances television broadcasting by eliminating stroboscopic slow-motion playback (a problem that is common with metal halide lamps). Equipped with an advanced LED sports lighting system, these clips can now be played without flicker at a speed of 20,000 frames per second, so the audience can capture every second of the replay in detail.

When LED sports lighting is used to illuminate the playing field, because LED lighting can strike a balance between warm and cool colors, the image appears brighter and clearer on the TV. There are almost no shadows, glare or spilled light, so the movement remains clear and smooth. The LED system can also be adjusted according to the venue of the game, the time of the game, and the type of game broadcast.

LED system can enhance fans' experience in the game

With the help of the LED sports lighting system, the audience has a better experience, which not only improves the viewing of the game, but also increases the audience's participation. The LED has the function of being turned on and used immediately, and the lights can be adjusted immediately during the half-time break or during the intermission of the game.

Imagine if your favorite team throws the buzzer 2 seconds before the end of the field, the timer just goes to 0 seconds, the lights are on and the ball hits, what the reaction of the fans in the stadium will be. The lighting engineer can use a controllable LED system to tailor this moment and boost the morale of the players. In turn, fans will feel that they are part of the game.
Advanced lighting system can reduce operating costs

The advancement of lighting technology has also made the operating costs of LEDs more attractive than ever, and more affordable than traditional lighting such as metal halide lamps. Stadiums that install LEDs can save 60% to 70% of total energy costs.

So, what is the total project cost? The average installation cost of the arena ranges from RMB 500,000 to RMB 5 million, while the installation cost of the stadium ranges from RMB 5 million to RMB 15 million, depending on the area of ​​the stadium and the lighting facilities. Wait. With the reduction of energy saving and maintenance costs, the return on investment of the LED system will usually be seen within a few years.

It can save 100,000 yuan in one year. Calculated based on the normal service life of 50,000 hours of lamps, a total of 3.4 million yuan can be saved, and a conservative estimate can also save 3 million yuan. For a stadium of RMB 5 million, the amount saved by lamps is equivalent to half of the stadium!.
led stadium floodlight