Industry News


Seven tips to improve the heat dissipation of indoor LED displays.

In practical applications, increasing the heat dissipation of the indoor LED display not only effectively improves the efficiency of the heat dissipation of the LED display, but also saves power, which is more conducive to improving the life of the LED display.   1. The LED display uses a fan to dissipate heat. Using a high-efficiency fan inside the lamp housing to enhance heat dissipation is a relatively common method, and this method has low cost and good effect. 2. The LED display uses aluminum heat dissipation fins, which is the most common way to dissipate heat. Use aluminum heat dissipation fins as part of the housing to increase the heat dissipation area. 3. Air fluid mechanics uses the shape of the lamp housing to create convective air, which is the lowest cost method of enhancing heat dissipation. 4. Surface radiation heat dissipation treatment. The surface of the lamp housing is treated with radiation heat dissipation. The simpler is to apply radiation heat dissipation paint, which can take the heat away from the surface of the lamp housing by radiation. 5. Integrated heat and heat dissipation. With the use of high thermal conductivity ceramics, the purpose of heat dissipation of the lamp housing is to reduce the operating temperature of the LED high-definition display chip. Since the expansion coefficient of the LED chip is very different from the expansion coefficient of our commonly used metal heat conduction and heat dissipation materials, the LED chip cannot be directly welded. In order to avoid high and low temperature thermal stress damage the LED display chip. 6. The LED display uses a heat pipe to dissipate heat. Using heat pipe technology, the heat is conducted from the LED display chip to the heat dissipation fins of the shell. 7. The thermally conductive plastic shell is filled with thermally conductive material when the plastic shell is injection molded to increase the thermal conductivity and heat dissipation capa

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How to choose LED display screen correctly?

The LED display is mainly used to display text, display pictures and video screens and so on. When you are choosing an LED display, the first thing you need to consider is what your actual needs and use are. Plan the location of the LED display in advance. Here we mainly include the choice of size, as well as the use In terms of environment, control, etc., when you use the venue, some LED displays will have certain restrictions. If you choose blindly, it may cause the use of the effect to be not very good. So, how to choose LED display? First: first determine whether the wall of the LED display screen is a load-bearing wall. Before making the display screen, make sure that the wall where the display screen is installed is a solid wall. If it is not a solid wall, a nine-centimetre board wall can be used to install the display screen, so that it can be heavy. In the process of actual communication with customers, if some installation environments are very high, some installation environments do not have elevators, and some installation environments have complex ground assembly environments, etc., you need to choose competent personnel to understand this business and let manufacturers see The scene will be better. Second: Determine the area, length and height of the LED display. You can install this display according to your own design length and height, or you can design it according to the golden ratio of 16:9 and 4:3. The size is mainly designed according to the purpose of the wall you install. This size also depends on how big your venue is, what is the closest viewing distance in the first row of meters, and the size is closely related to the venue and model. Third: Determine the model of the LED display.   (1) The indoor display models are P1.25, P1.56, P1.667, P1.875, P2, P2.5, P3, P4. The model determines the clarity, the smaller the number, the clearer. The larger the model number, the cheaper, the smaller the more expensive. (2) T

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