

Light indication of traffic lights

Traffic lights are a group of lights consisting of three unpatterned circular units of red, yellow, and green to guide the passage of motor vehicles. The non-motor vehicle signal light is a group of lights composed of three circular units with bicycle patterns in red, yellow and green to guide the passage of non-motor vehicles. When the green light is on, vehicles are allowed to pass, but turning vehicles must not obstruct the passage of straight vehicles or pedestrians that have been released. When the yellow light is on, vehicles that have crossed the stop line can continue to pass. When the red light is on, traffic is prohibited. At intersections where non-motor vehicle signal lights and pedestrian crossing signal lights are not set, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians shall pass according to the instructions of motor vehicle signal lights. When the red light is on, vehicles turning right may pass without obstructing the passing of vehicles and pedestrians.

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Knowledge about traffic lights

At the earliest, traffic lights only had two colors, red and green. Later, after improvement, a yellow light was added. The red light means stop, the yellow light means preparation, and the green light means pass. The reason why these three colors are used as traffic signals is also related to people's visual structure and psychological response. The human retina contains rod-shaped and three types of cone-shaped photoreceptor cells. The rod-shaped cells are particularly sensitive to yellow light, and the three types of cone-shaped cells are the most sensitive to red light, green light and blue light respectively. Because of this visual structure, it is easiest for humans to distinguish red from green. Although yellow and blue are also easy to distinguish, because the eyeball has fewer photoreceptors sensitive to blue light, it is better to distinguish between red and green. Traffic lights are not set arbitrarily. According to the optical principle, red light has a long wavelength, has a strong ability to penetrate the air, and is more noticeable than other signals. Therefore, as a signal for prohibition of passage, green is used as a notification signal because the difference between red and green is the largest, and it is easy to Distinguish (red-green color blindness is a minority after all). In addition, color can also express some specific meaning, to express hot or violent, the strongest is red, followed by yellow. Green has colder and calmer connotations. Therefore, people often use red for danger, yellow for warning, and green for safety.

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The composition of the led display

The led display is the most important terminal output device of the electronic computer, and it is the window of the man-machine dialogue. The led display is composed of a circuit part and a led display device. The led display device used determines the circuit structure of the led display and also determines the performance index of the led display. With the improvement of the self-energy level of electronic instruments, the use of electronic led display devices has become increasingly widespread, mainly including light-emitting diodes, digital tubes, liquid crystal led displays, and fluorescent screens.

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Do you know what traffic lights are?

Traffic lights are signal lights that direct traffic operations, generally consisting of red lights, green lights, and yellow lights. A red light means no passage, a green light means passage is permitted, and a yellow light means a warning. Traffic lights are divided into: motor vehicle signal light, non-motor vehicle signal light, pedestrian crossing signal light, direction indicator light (arrow signal light), lane signal light, flashing warning signal light, road and railway level crossing signal light. At the intersection, there are red, yellow, green and three-color traffic lights hanging on all sides. It is a silent "traffic police". Traffic lights are internationally unified traffic lights. A red light is a stop signal and a green light is a go signal. At the intersection, cars from several directions gather here, some have to go straight, some have to turn, and whoever goes first is to obey the traffic lights. When the red light is on, it is forbidden to go straight or turn left, and the vehicle is allowed to turn right without obstructing pedestrians and vehicles; when the green light is on, the vehicle is allowed to go straight or turn; when the yellow light is on, it stops within the stop line at the intersection or the pedestrian crossing line and has continued to pass; When the yellow light is flashing, warn the vehicle to pay attention to safety.

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No fear to challenge! Chainzone assists the world's longest undersea road tunnel

Norway has a complex terrain but has built the longest undersea road tunnel in the world, the Norwegian Ryfast Highway, which solves many problems such as local travel difficulties and promotes the development of local tourism.Chainzone is the only traffic guidance system solution provider for Ryfast Highway in Norway. We have successfully installed more than 2,000 sets of LED traffic signal products conforming to the European standard EN12966 on Ryfast Highway, contributing to this huge project.After we have a deep understanding of the humid and cold weather in Norway, we know that the hardware configuration is very important for the product to be used normally in a long-term humid and cold climate with heavy salt spray near the sea, so we use moisture-proof and anti-corrosion aluminum-stainless steel as the outer frame material, the operating temperature range is as low as -30°C, which can ensure normal operation even in long-term extremely cold and humid weather or heavy salt spray at the seaside.In addition, in order to deal with hidden safety problems such as dark tunnels and complex and changeable road conditions, we make professional judgments on specific situations in product design, especially optical performance, and use patented lens technology to gather light in dim environments, the maximum brightness can reach 8000nits, so that the driver can clearly see the content of the guidance instructions within the visual range, without glare or halo.As the longest undersea road tunnel in the world, its deepest point is 290m below sea level, which is particularly laborious in terms of human and material resources. In the installation and maintenance of the product, we actively cooperate and communicate with the local construction personnel, in order to achieve perfection in the installation and future maintenance, and have also been unanimously affirmed and praised by the Norwegian engineering team.  

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