

What factors have an impact on the life of LED street lights?

LED street lights have many options. So, what about the life span of LED street lights? I believe that users are also very concerned about the service life of LED street lights when purchasing. The following will briefly introduce which factors have an impact on the life of LED street lights. 1. LED street light controller. The controller not only controls, monitors, and maintains the operating conditions of the photovoltaic components, storage batteries, and loads, but also controls the storage batteries to ensure the operating conditions of the storage batteries. It also directly maintains the load of the LED street light, providing it with a useful and relative A stable working environment, especially in critical conditions such as battery power shortage or undervoltage operation. A controller with high precision and stable function will play a key role. For example, sometimes LED street lights will flicker and flicker. This failure is mainly due to a problem with the controller. 2. The lighting source of LED street lights. Different lighting sources have different service lives, such as low-pressure sodium lamps, low-voltage induction lamps, LED street lamps, low-voltage fluorescent lamps and other different types of light sources. At present, LED street lights mainly use LED lights, mainly because they have a good quality life of 50,000 hours. In theory, they can be used for more than 10 years for 10 hours of lighting per day. Therefore, choosing a good light source for installing LED street lights is the main key. 3. Light source starter for LED street lights. Different starters have different starting methods, requiring different ballasts or driving power lights. This part has a great influence on the light source. Especially the LED street light source. Nowadays, it is usually driven by a constant current source. The quality of the constant current source and whether the parameter scale is suitable for the light source is very important. Ma

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Eight factors to ensure the quality of LED display screens.

LED display has the problem of technical cost. Many companies have invested too much capital in technology, which has led to the high price of LED display. So, how to ensure the quality of LED display technology while reducing its cost at the same time? 1. The heat dissipation performance of the LED display. If the heat dissipation performance of the LED display is poor and the temperature is too high, it will have a certain impact on the stability of the LED, and it will accelerate the performance degradation of the LED display in the long run. Therefore, in this respect, the heat dissipation design of the PCB board and the heat dissipation and ventilation of the cabinet must be done well. 2. Welding problem. When the LED display does not light up, it may be caused by solder joints. Since the virtual welding includes many aspects, it must be done in detail here. Strict inspections must also be done when leaving the factory. 3. The verticality of the in-line LED display must be well controlled. A small deviation will directly affect the brightness uniformity of the LED, resulting in inconsistent color blocks. Therefore, the LED display must be perpendicular to the PCB board. 4. Anti-static LED display. Manufacturers of anti-static LED display screens must take protective measures. Various anti-electricity settings must be in place, and they must be tested regularly. 5. LED mixed light. LEDs of the same color and different brightness levels need to be mixed. If there is a problem with this procedure, the brightness of the LED display will be partially different, which will directly affect the appearance of the LED display. 6. LED heating value. Under normal circumstances, the large current used by the LED cannot be higher than 80% of the standard value of 20MA. If it is a small pitch display, the current value must be reduced. 7. Drive circuit design. If the drive circuit is not well designed, the brightness of the LEDs aroun

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The composition and structure of the LED display.

LED displays have become a part of our lives in many different places around us, such as airports, large shopping malls, sports fields and billboards. Taking into account the components and structure of the LED display, its design and construction leave a deep impression. The following will briefly introduce the basic composition and structure of the LED display, and understand its perfect combination of engineering and creativity. The LED display screen consists of three parts, namely LED, content source, and controller. And the display also includes several LED display unit boards, which are connected to each other to form the main body of the LED display. After connecting to all unit boards, content can be displayed seamlessly. The control system can be divided into two parts: the video processor and the video control system, which are hardware and software respectively. The LED controller has different functions, mainly depending on the size of the display, the content of the light source and the requirements for use. The content source can be input devices such as computers, camcorders, DVD players, etc. The structure of the LED display. The LED display contains several different components that work together to present content to the audience. Although the display screens also have different status quo and sizes, they all have the same basic components inside. Whether it is indoors or outdoors, it is composed of independent LED display screens. The light-emitting diode panel includes a rack, a power supply, a transceiver card, and an LED module. Each module includes diode, driver IC and PCB. The light-emitting diode panels are connected to each other to produce mutually connected light-emitting diodes. The console receives the content and sends a signal to the LED panel. If the source content and the displayed aspect ratio are different, you need to adjust the content according to the source and controller. The video wall composed of all these LED dis

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What should I do if the LED display has color difference?

With the rapid development of domestic technology in the field of LED screens, LED display products are used in various applications in daily life. As a green and energy-saving outdoor high-density LED display, it has a wide range of applications and can be seen everywhere in the market. The brightness color cast of outdoor high-density LED displays has become a key concern for customers. The brightness and size of the LED display are mainly affected by the quality of the LED lamp beads. When the LED display heat is not exhausted well or unevenly, it is likely to cause common failures of the LED lamp. In order to ensure that the color of the information displayed on the LED display screen and the color of the playback source remain extremely uniform, the actual effect of white balance is one of the most important indicators of the LED display screen. The size of the visibility angle affects the audience of the LED screen, therefore, the larger the LED display, the better. The uneven loss rate of the red, blue and green LED lights is likely to cause deviations in the LED transparent screen. The size of the visual angle of view is critically affected by the packaging method of the core tube. Because the brightness of the LED lights is different, it is likely to cause flickering of the screen. There are many types of outdoor high-density LED screens. Outdoor environmental protection, energy-saving, high-brightness, convenient LED displays and other products are very rich. The regulations on displays in various fields are also the same. Therefore, when customers are distinguishing the quality of LED displays, they should choose the display. In the case of the screen, you must choose according to your own needs to ensure that the functions of this product meet your own needs. In recent years, LED display products have been used more frequently, resulting in a market trend of high demand. The rapid development of the market is mainly driven by the demand for LED

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What is the cause of the flower screen phenomenon on the LED display?

Half of the outdoor LED display or the phenomenon of blurry screen is caused by the following two factors. 1. The outdoor LED display has no display or half of the display. In the LED display, only half of it is a common fault. Of the content that must be displayed, usually only part of it is displayed, which affects the advertising content and store brand image. Generally, there are many factors that cause this fault condition, such as: the internal power circuit line is aging, which causes the circuit line to be cut off, resulting in a part of the display module not receiving all normal power supply; or the LED driving characteristics are relatively poor, which makes it impossible to work well or Abnormalities often occur during work, resulting in the current supply cannot always be balanced. In view of this situation, it is necessary to dismantle and commutate the matching switching power supply route, so that the internal current power supply network of the display screen can be connected and supplied normally, and dismantle and replace the rated drive during unstable or abnormal operation, so as to ensure that the current of each phase is normal. Distribution, so as to obtain a smooth operation. 2. Part of the outdoor LED display has a false screen. One of the common faults is that a part of the LED display screen has a flickering fault. Because the customer is not a professional, the phenomenon of screen flickering often causes many problems to the customer. The main reason for this failure is: due to the long-term application of the LED display, the internal transmission data route is aging or the module board is caused. The quality of the drive is not good and unstable. At this time, the matching aging accessories should be removed, or the cause of the faulty drive of the module board should be repaired, so as to deal with the problem according to the problem, until the LED display is repaired and used normally.

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