The role and characteristics of the walk-in vms machine

The role and characteristics of the walk-in vms machine

Through virtual machine software, you can simulate two or more virtual computers on one physical computer. These virtual machines work exactly like real computers. For example, you can install operating systems, install applications, and access the network. Resources and so on. For you, it is just an application running on your physical computer, but for an application running in a virtual machine, it is a real computer.
Therefore, when you perform software evaluation in a virtual machine, the system may crash; however, it is only the operating system on the virtual machine that crashes, not the operating system on the physical computer, and use the "Undo" of the virtual machine ( Restore) function, you can immediately restore the virtual machine to the state before installing the software.
1. Multiple operating systems can be run on the same PC at the same time, and each OS has its own independent virtual machine, just like an independent PC on the network. 
2. When running two VMs on Windows NT/2000 at the same time, you can talk to each other, or you can talk to virtual machines in full screen mode, but at this time another virtual machine is running in the background. 
3. Install another release of the same operating system on the VM without repartitioning the hard disk. 
4. Share files, applications, network resources, etc. between virtual machines. 
5. You can run C/S applications, or you can use all the resources of another virtual machine on the same computer.

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