What are the functions of speed radar warning sign

What are the functions of speed radar warning sign

Warning signs are conventional emergency equipment on cars, and their appearance is generally triangular, so they are also called triangle warning signs. The warning signs must strictly comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Safety Law and be a passive reflector made of plastic reflective materials. The principle is that when car owners encounter sudden traffic accidents on the road, they use the reflective properties of warning signs to remind other vehicles to avoid second accidents.
The function of the warning sign: The reflective part of the warning sign is made by using the retro-reflective principle of high-refractive glass beads and the micro-diamond-shaped reflection principle of the reflective crystal lattice, and is made by advanced processing after focusing. It can reflect the distant direct light back to the luminous place, and it has good retroreflective optical performance no matter in day or night. Especially at night, it can display the same high visibility as during the day. Warning signs made of this high-visibility reflective material can be easily spotted by night drivers no matter if the user is in a remote place or under the interference of light or scattered light. The emergence of reflective materials successfully solved the night driving problem of "seeing" and "being seen".
Note: When selecting warning signs, editors must choose products with guaranteed quality, because within a safe distance, whether later vehicles find the warning signs in time is the key to avoiding rear-end collisions. It is recommended to choose a foldable reflective warning sign, because the foldable reflective warning sign should be placed 50 meters away from the rear of the vehicle when the vehicle appears to be gross* and needs to be stopped for inspection, to remind the driver to slow down in advance; when not in use, The foldable warning sign will not take up much space in the car.

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